neděle 29. května 2011

I know you wanted to grow

Some stuff from Johnossi official page that made my/our day a little bit better...

Skateboarding is a shit!

I love skateboarding.
I love comic magazines
I love Kim W Andersson
I love Coca Cola
I love Beer
I loved the Band of Horses concert i saw last week
I love that my stomache doesn't hurt anymore
I've answerd some of your questions in the guestbook. Don't be afraid to ask whatever you wanna know, i know we aren't the fastest to answer but why rush things, i hate rushing.

Before we know it, the summer is gone and things go back to normality again.
In our case normality means waking up in a new city every morning (read afternoon), eating meat and potatoes, drinking beer, fooling around, meeting fantastic people like you, and of course playing extraordinary shows at clubs everynight.
I like the four seasons, i'm pretty much longing for cooler days now, im sick of the sun. I love the rain.
Yesterday, i almost swallowed a bumblebee during a performance on swedish television, i wish i had.
My favourite song at the moment is this one
I eat a lot of fish nowadays.
My favourite nighttime activity is riding a moped in the woods.
I cant stop being fascinated and dig into things that frights me, this usually mess up things for me, but it's always worth it in the long run.
I really love effects.
I don't enjoy writing words, building sentences, i wish i did.
If i could choose between having my singing voice or an opera singing voice, i think i would shift to the operavoice. I bet operastars don't eat meat and potatoes everyday.
I'm gonna pick up skateboarding again.
Mucho Love/John

My favourite band since the last 5 years or so is arcade fire, and that i cant stop listen to their 2 new songs, month of may and the suburbs, from their forthcoming 3rd record.
Love /John

Nemyslím že je třeba překladu...


sobota 28. května 2011

John is a perfect person

John a Ossi v rozhovoru o tom, co si o sobě mysleli, když se poznali a co na sobě vzájemně nesnáší.

John and Ossi in an interview about what is so annoying about each other...:)

čtvrtek 26. května 2011

Celebration to all the Mavericks in the world

Mavericks: nejnovější album Johnossi. Nejambicióznější a nejpropracovanější projekt dosud. 
Mavericks: místo, které člověk ještě neovládl. Místo v severní Kalifornii, proslulé pro obrovské a nezkrotné vlny. Tam, kde si člověk neví rady, tam, kde je bezmocný. Tam, kde ještě pořád příroda vítězí. 
Mavericks: člověk, který se nebojí jít svou vlastní cestou, který má dost odvahy poznat sám sebe, to, co skutečně chce a potom to udělat. 
Album, které je určeno právě pro toho kdo je Maverick.  

"Don´t be too afraid of stupid things in life."

Mavericks: the latest Johnossi album. The most ambitious and the most special project until now. The place that has not been controlled by a man. The place in the Northern California, famous for its huge and wild waves, the place where man is lost and without any power. The place where it´s the nature who controls everything. 
And also a person. Person who is not scared of being himself, of doing what he really wants to do. Person who is not affected by his surroundings. Mavericks. Maybe you´ll find yourself in this album. Maybe you´ll discover the Maverick inside you. 

"Every now and then you should try to be a Maverick."

sobota 21. května 2011

I would sit and wait for you again

Tak tady je, český blog o švédském dvojici známe pod jménem Johnossi. Doufám, že si najde nějaké čtenáře a že tohle neuvěřitelné duo se vetře i do českého podvědomí. Protože ale nejsem tak naivní a je mi jasné, že než se stane Johnossi populární v České Republice, už bude mít tenhle blog tak deset let, většina vstupů se zde objeví v angličtině:) A kdyby sem náhodou nějaký český čtenář zabloudil, dejte mi určitě vědět:) !

So here it is. The czech blog about the Swedish duo well known as Johnossi. I hope we´ll find some readers and especially from the Czech Republic... Our goal is nothing less than to get this awesome band to our country:) But we would be grateful for any kind of visitors, so if you, by chance, find this blog, leave us a comment, give us some feedback, whatsoever.:) Thank you, Johnossi lovers:)

A pro začátek něco málo z toho, co to znamená Johnossi...
(And for the beggining, this is what Johnossi means)